What Would They Do?; March 29 2020

I’ve gotten tired of writing about real things. This is ironic, because most of the writing I do is 100% fictional. This blog is the only exception.

But reality is gloomy and dull and gives me migraines, so let’s do this instead! Everyone (responsible) is social distancing right now, holed up in their houses. If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably at least vaguely interested in my writing, so let’s do some character exploration!

What would my characters do in isolation? Divided by book!

In The Wishing Maiden

Jacquotte: Without someone to rein her in, Jacquotte would think this whole ‘pandemic’ thing was overblown and try to live life as normally as possible. Without anyone to adventure with, though, she’d get restless and volunteer at shelters or crisis lines.

Asha: She would urge someone to use her gift and wish the pandemic away. In the event no one did, she would find somewhere well-hidden and hide until someone came to find her again.

In Virtually Reality

Heron: He would be frozen by financial stress, and cope with it – poorly – with a lot of take-out and video games.

Newts: A teacher, they would be attempting to teach classes via Zoom meetings.

Hellblazer: They’d refuse to go into work until it was declared an essential service, and then do their utmost to be allowed to work from home. If that didn’t work, they’d send an impolite email tendering their resignation, and spend the rest of the isolation period in sweatpants, in front of their TV.

Whiteflower: They would try to take up a new hobby, but spend most of their time chatting online with long-distance friends.

Gunmetal: Also a gamer, they would spend a lot of time online, chuckling at dark pandemic-related humour.

Knifebaby: A student, they would consider the pandemic an extended vacation and create a lot of the more offensive viral content.

In Kanae

Kanae, herself: Without people, she would start off trying to self-improve. She’d practice her dancing, her embroidery, brush up on her history and sociology... And she’d burn out within two or three days. She’d curl up with books half the time, and the rest she’d spend calling out of windows to anyone she saw.

Ymi: A mind-reader, she’d actually find the isolation refreshing, and try keeping a journal of exclusively her own thoughts.

Quin: Without people, he would go completely stir-crazy. He’s that one neighbour who tries to start a group sing-along. The rest of his time is dedicated to ‘enjoying his own company’.

Niac: He would keep to his schedule, waking early and going through his days with a rigid routine in place. It involves a lot of exercise, and he ends the isolation period even more jacked.

In Mr. Wolf

Russell: A caretaker by nature, he’d be trying to keep morale up and the kids busy. He’d invent educational games that take the homeschooling world by storm.

Anima: She would frequently forget they were in isolation, perfectly happy at home. She wouldn’t take a pandemic seriously, but so long as she had her video camera, she’d think things were totally normal.

Corbin: He’d be thrilled to have an excuse to keep six feet away from people at all times, but be extremely vigilant about washing his hands and keeping Anima indoors.

In Necroweaver

Jin: He’d be extremely worried for his girlfriend, Chikere, and in near-constant contact with her. He’d spend his time trying to develop a cure for the pandemic without really knowing what he was doing.

Chikere: She works in medicine, so she’d be at the hospital almost 24/7, running herself ragged taking care of patients.

Yuka: She would start a garden and volunteer her services delivering things to her neighbours, since, as an ensouled cyborg, she’d be immune.

In The Other Face of Sympathy

Edward: Being formerly homeless, he’d spend his isolation period tirelessly beating down government email inboxes and calling his local MP, lobbying for a rent freeze and more accessible services.

Conscience: She would quietly keep an eye on all the news, her shop remaining open throughout the crisis.

I hope everyone out there is staying safe, and making the best out of whatever situation they’re in!

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