Too Much Going On; January 16 2021

Oh no. Oh, it’s been weeks since I remembered to write a blog post.

There’s been so much happening in the world that I plain don’t know what to think, let alone what to say. We’re living through history and have been for the past 20 years. I, for one, am tired of it.

I’m also dealing with some personal rough patches, and I’m off in a different city for a couple of weeks while I work on arranging doctor’s appointments and decompress. I miss my daughter like crazy and I’m not sure it’s been worth it.

We’re all forging on, though. Doing what we can. All anyone should be expected to do right now is hang in there.

I’m still giving away my e-books, The Wishing Maiden and Virtually Reality. You can find out more in previous blog posts or on my Twitter, and if you’re interested, feel free to contact me through this website or my social media for a PDF copy.

I also recently sent off an application to Author Mentor Match, a mentorship program in which published or represented authors take on a writer prepping for the querying process. The mentor helps them polish up their manuscript and query. It’s a great way to give back to the writing community and boost fellow literary artists! I don’t have a lot of hope that my submission will be chosen (I only selected one possible mentor who I thought fit the bill) but I’m still glad to have done it.

Coming up on January 20th is IWSGPit, one of the Twitter pitching contests I’ve written about in this blog post from last April. If you have a Twitter, please consider supporting me by retweeting my pitches! Don’t ‘like’ them – that’s for industry professionals.

I hope everyone out there is staying safe.

R. HavenComment