Snail's Pace; July 10 2021

I don’t have much to talk about this week, and can I just say? Daily bloggers/vloggers don’t get enough credit for coming up with stuff on a consistent basis. I don’t have nearly enough time to inform myself about everything going on in the world, much less develop an opinion and eloquently express it.

I started working on my Camp NaNoWriMo project (which, if you don’t know what that is, I’ve talked about it before; it’s a motivational event for writers, allowing you to set a word count goal for the month and a daily quota to meet). Even with a very reasonable daily count of 800~ to meet, I’m still struggling to get into the routine, mainly due to migraines and exhaustion.

It’s Disability Pride Month, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt more disabled in my life. Every day has been such a struggle to get through. My biggest accomplishment, I think, was being able to finally find some time to read and to update little things about my site.

I’m hoping y’all are getting by!

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