Wish Me Luck; September 25 2021

Hoo boy. I haven’t done a blog post since August, huh. Life sure has been a Thing, since then.

If you follow any of my social media, you might have heard that my basement apartment has been having issues with flooding. It’s been an extremely rough time for me, an aquaphobe, as we’ve had plumbers in and out, reassuring us again and again that the problem is fixed only to find out they missed something crucial.

Once more, I have to ask for help, if you can give it. Here’s a link to my ko-fi – while my landlord is covering all the plumbers and floor repairs that need to be done, he isn’t responsible for our damaged property and insurance isn’t giving us any help, either. So, please, if you can spare anything, check out my link?

While things have been hard, I’ve been hyperfocused on churning out a new book. I started writing on August 25th and went hard on writing a set amount of words per day, which has gotten me to 76,000 words as of last night. I’m estimating there’s about 14,000 to go, and I’m very much hoping to get it done by the end of September. If you read my last blog post about beta reading, you’ll find the basic pitch for this book, and I’ll be looking for feedback over the course of October! If you’re interested, let me know through the contact form or comments!

In any case, there isn’t a whole lot else to say this week. I’m incredibly drained. I’m going to try to get as much work done as I can in a short span of time. With any luck, the plumbers will solve the flooding issue properly when they come in on Tuesday and take a jackhammer to our floor.

Wish me luck!

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