Gotta Gain Something; March 19 2022

So, it really shouldn’t come as any surprise that after all this stress, I’ve been consulting with my doctor about my blood pressure, which is borderline dangerously high. I’m on medication, but naturally, a big part of getting it back down will be limiting my caffeine intake.

I don’t drink coffee, but Coca-Cola and tea have been my go-to drinks for ages. I have plenty of tea with low or no caffeine, but even so, I was consuming at least three Cokes in a day for weeks to keep myself going. That’s obviously not feasible anymore.

So, I’ve cut back. Maximum of one Coke, or any soda, per day. I’m drinking a lot more water (and as a special treat for me, putting a drop of peppermint into it occasionally, ‘cause I love me some mint) and you know what?

I don’t miss the soda. Weird.

Additionally, my kid unearthed my Ring Fit Adventure game, which I got as a Christmas gift one year but was promptly unable to use – didn’t have the space. I do have enough room to use it now, and she wanted to play with it too. So, I’ve done a bit of light exercise, too!

Long story short, I’m now on a health kick. I don’t want to lose weight necessarily, but I do want to tone the weight I have. Less fat, more muscle. I think it will help not just my blood pressure, but my chronic pain, as all studies have shown thus far. It’s just been hard finding exercise that doesn’t do more harm than good, hurting more than helping.

This is by far the healthiest coping fallback I’ve ever had when times are dire. And… wow, are they dire.

Because there’s more going on than I’ve said, or can say. The short of it is this:

My government assistance is frozen for the month until the government sends me a replacement document for something that’s been wrecked in the floods, and they insist I haven’t sent them the necessary supporting documents even though I have. Three times.

My lawsuit against the police following their SWAT raid on my home has yet to progress.

My roommates have both also fallen on financial troubles.

I’ve begun a court case for full parenting time and sole decision making (formerly referred to as full custody) of my kid.

The flooding, while in theory is now fixed, also resulted in my bedroom floor being completely torn up, which means my bedroom is unusable. I’ve been sleeping in my kid’s bed with her, which isn’t a bad thing per se, but I worry it’s reinforcing her already-significant separation anxiety. I’ve been the only consistent presence in her life, all her life; she’s still convinced I’m going to walk away or vanish on her, too.

It's piling up.

If you’re in the position to help at all, as per usual, I’ll drop my ko-fi link (right here) and direct you to my self-pubbed e-books (The Wishing Maiden and Virtually Reality), which you can learn more about on my Works page!

I hope you’re all getting by, given these times. We’re all just doing our best.

R. Haven1 Comment