Two Things at Once; July 18 2022

We’ve heard the Covid vaccine has been approved for kids under 5, at last! I’ve done some investigating, and in my province, we’re waiting for it to be released to the public. In the meantime, I’ve booked my fourth booster – on my mother’s birthday, as it so happens, so happy birthday to my mom! Her gift is that I don’t have Covid!

I hit a rough patch in writing recently, mostly because I got a new idea that desperately wants my focus, but I’m back in the groove with a streak of 1000 words per day. I now have five works in my ‘In Progress’ folder, because I couldn’t help but brainstorm the newest idea, and nine in my ‘Concepts’ folder.

I already dedicated myself to my fantasy featuring Dissociative Identity Disorder, Nuance in the Stars, and I know the best thing to do is to see it through to the finish before starting something else. But I know several authors who work on more than one thing at a time.

Technically speaking, I do that too. I have ‘fun writing’ that I do with a writing partner (essentially, written roleplay within the world of some tabletop games I’ve run) and ‘serious writing’, which is novel work. The idea of splitting my focus between two ‘serious’ works is daunting but tempting, though.

It helps that I’ve become a planner. I write out my plot structure point by point with some room for improvisation – I used to keep the basic idea of where I wanted my characters to end up in my head and letting them wander through the world I’ve built. Nowadays, I have too much going on! I forget everything I’ve written and what I’m doing next without plot blueprints.

So maybe writing two things at once is a possibility. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

In other news, I’m considering starting up a newsletter for my website. It would probably come out once a month, giving an overview of my writing progress with exclusive snippets, and the compilation of my blog story sections. I’d also include anything I think is important, but try to keep it upbeat! What do you think?


While you consider dropping your opinion in my comments, here’s some more of our story:


“You’re them. The sacrifice,” the woman breathed. “You’re here.”


The word felt like a needle through the heart, precise and deadly. That sounded right. They knew that word, and felt it soul-deep.

“What happened to you? How are you still alive?”

R. HavenComment