I've Got a Feeling; August 1 2022

DVPit is tomorrow! And, for young adult and children’s books, it’s also running today! Happy DVPit day!

I’ve got all my pitches lined up for tomorrow – three novels in total, two horror and one a dystopian fantasy. I’ve gotten great responses in the past during these pitching events, but progressively less and less engagement. I’m not an optimist by nature, but my fingers are crossed on this one. I’ve got a good feeling about this month in general.

That said, July was rough. For my fellow querying authors: do you also lose sleep when you’re fairly sure an email is coming soon?

It’s honestly ridiculous. My brain seems to think that I’ll be getting crucial messages at three in the morning and only have a half-hour window to respond.

I’ve heard it only gets worse for authors on submission. Hoo boy.

I also recently had a mortifying experience of sending queries wrong. If you’re new to querying literary agents, you may not know this, but I’ve known it for years – you do not query more than one agent at an agency at a time. The last thing you want to do is pit coworkers against each other in the event they both want your book!

So, naturally, at the height of an anxiety attack, I started sending queries. It gives me a sense of control over my career, y’see, even if that’s an illusion.

The other thing you don’t want to do is query an agent who represents children’s books if you only write fiction for adults. Even when they tweet something that fits your book to the letter, they can’t represent your book! It’s a very different set of connections, different skills they apply.

Long story short, I committed both of these errors. I had to instantly withdraw them and felt mortified.


Also, the next part of the story is below, but if you want a compilation of the tale so far (and sneak peeks at what I’m currently writing), sign up for my newsletter on the home page! Without further ado:


Their lips parted, wordless, unable to muster sound even as they tried. Regardless, the young woman looked around and ushered them forward.

“Come with me. If you’re seen out here…”

R. HavenComment