Gone for Good; February 13 2023

So I meant to talk about this last week, but somehow, I just missed Monday entirely. Not sure how it happened. I blinked, and it was the next week. Maybe I time travelled, but by accident? Most mysterious.

The important news is, though: the upstairs neighbours are gone. They moved out for good, and even with construction going on above us as our landlord tries to fix all the damage they did, it’s so much more peaceful. I feel safer in so many ways. I can check the mail without fear! It’s wild!

On writing-relevant news, I’ve switched works. I was formerly focusing on a high fantasy book about a hero with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and that still feels important to me, but my heart’s too stuck on horror. Maybe it’s the season.

So, back to one of my horror ideas I go. I say ‘one of’ because that inspiration button has been striking hot lately.

I also have been revising some of my short stories. Fleshing them out, particularly, trying to shine up the ones that just aren’t finding homes with publishers. It’s making a lot of difference in my morale, alone! It’s easier to see the improvement in shorter works, I think. When you can get the readthrough done in a matter of minutes, you don’t forget any of the details from chapter one.

But speaking of, novel length relates to my biggest writing hurdle. I’ve always had trouble getting my novels’ wordcount in the realm of what agents and publishers want. They’re too short, even though the story’s complete. I’m having trouble even doing this first draft because I’m so worried about not finding enough to make the numbers look good.

It’s ridiculous, I know. I can always go back and add more. But it’s creating real hesitation I’m losing a battle against.

Just get the first draft out. Gotta keep telling myself that.

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