Bones; February 28 2024

I badly need a haircut, a nap, and another visit from a house cleaning crew. Sadly, none of those are in the cards right now. Woe is me.

What is coming up is a trip to the dentist, for both me and my kid, which we are very excited about (said half-seriously; the kid’s excited to leave school early, and I’m just thankful to have dental coverage).

When I was a kid, I had so much dental trouble. One of my baby teeth was mutated and had a good three-quarters of an inch of root; another one of my front teeth came in sideways. Braces did what they could, but my teeth are still a bit out of line, and my overbite was impossible to correct. I also developed TMJ in 2020, from all the stress I was under.

I always thought I’d go for jaw surgery if I could afford it, partially for masculinization reasons, but also to hopefully fix the pain issues I have, if possible.

Bones. They’re such finicky creatures.

Hopefully my kid won’t wind up needing braces, though. Her genetic parentage is in her favour, so I can hope – apparently, my ex’s mother held off when her dentist suggested braces for her, and her teeth aligned themselves just fine.

Only time will tell…

In other health related news, I’m completely caught up on Covid boosters now! Had my bivalent vaccine and was lucky to experience no side effects.

The bad news is that my chronic pain is worse than ever. I’ve had a few bad days in a row, but that can be attributed to the amount of stuff I’ve had to do. Errands have gotten me out of the house several days in a row, but the cost… The cost is Ouchies, and there’s only so much painkillers and a TENs unit can do.

Hopefully I’ll have some time to relax soon –

Although, as I’m sure I’ve said before, I’m bad at relaxing. I don’t have a writing project right now and it’s driving me up the wall.

So we’ll see!

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