Book Learning; May 29 2024

Something about the past week has just taken it out of me.

I say ‘something’ as if I don’t know – we’ve been dealing with floods again, particularly bad ones, and I continue to have Issues about dirty water. So, I’ve been exhausted and depressed. I’m scrambling for motivation amidst the chaos but wind up sleeping for most of my days, just because I’m having such stressful nightmares overnight.

It’ll get better. Even it doesn’t, I’ll hit a point in my anxiety where all I can do is work to alleviate it, and the productivity is bound to be helpful in some manner. One can hope.

There’s one neat thing I can talk about this week, at least; I ordered my high school transcripts, with the hope that I can enroll myself in some schooling either for the fall or winter semester. Not picky when I start, really. I’m interested in learning about social work and have kind of fallen in love with a program nearby, though it’s all moot if I can’t take classes virtually.

Looking over my grades was kind of a trip. There are classes I passed though, as I recall, it was by the skin of my teeth; others I didn’t up passing because I was in the hospital for the last few months of them; and then the ones I remember exceling in that I got nerdy-high grades in.

Also some I passed even though I’m fairly sure I skipped almost every class in order to write fanfiction, but, we don’t talk about that.

I miss school. I miss learning. I try on my own, but I can’t seem to get myself to stick with it.

Here’s hoping they’ll admit me!

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