Incoming Tattoo; August 7 2024

Tomorrow, I get my chest tattoo, and I am beyond thrilled. I can’t believe it’s happening, honestly? But I’m so freaking grateful to everyone who’s donated to my ko-fi before – my original goal was to raise money for things to help my dysphoria, and while a lot of life has come up in the way, my original goal’s been on my mind. So many people have helped, and that’s amazing.

The house we’re renting, which is still on the market, is getting viewings again, after a couple of quiet months on that front. We’re still hoping to stay if and when it sells, but I’ve managed to stop obsessing over it. The first time it went up for sale, I combed rental sites and lost a lot of sleep over it.

In terms of writing news, I’m coming up on my third month of my book being submitted to editors, and while we haven’t had any bites, there have certainly been nibbles. I’ve gotten positive feedback with my rejections, so it’s hard to feel too down about it!

Besides, three months is nothing, really. I waited longer for some of my queries, and I went into this expecting a long, hard slog.

So, overall, things are good! I hope to have more positivity to share next week!

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