20XX; February 19 2025

I’m battling some health issues right now – nothing too serious, but I’m very demoralized and tired out. So, I’ve decided to write out what my Perfect Scenario looks like. 10 years, 5 years, maybe even 1 year away, these are the things I desperately want for myself.


The year is 20XX.

I, R. Haven, have a dedicated cult following surrounding my horror books. Between conventions, surprise guest appearances, and occasional random recognition on the street, I’m well-known enough to be listened to and respected when I put my opinions out into the world. I’m raising awareness and support for queer and disabled people all over Canada, and hopefully in the rest of America as well.

My debut book, The Other Face of Sympathy, was reviewed by popular Youtubers, kicking off the surprising number of sales that helps put my indie publisher on the map.

I am still represented by Kaitlyn Katsoupis at Belcastro Agency, who continues to be an avid supporter of my work. She helps me negotiate deals when my books go to auction – which was the case for the first book I signed with her, Pound of Flesh. The deals I make allow me to pay off all my debt, have a comfortable amount of money put into savings, and eventually take my daughter on trips to Disneyland in Paris, all over the United Kingdom, and Seoul in Korea.

I refine and sell the rest of the books I’d already written while putting myself through school for social work. I’m still able to write my novels while also working for non-profit organizations specializing in helping the disabled community. My work-life balance is healthy, my disabilities/health are well managed, my daughter is happy, and I’m not scared that we’ll struggle anymore.


I want these things so badly I ache, typing them all out. But, hey, maybe putting these things into the world will help make these dreams come to be.

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