NaNoWriMo Interviews Part 3; November 21 2020

I did it, y’all! I hit the 50k mark of my manuscript!


I owe a lot of my progress to my brother-in-law, who volunteered his time to take care of my daughter. That gave me a good chunk of each day to dedicate to writing.

I still have interviews saved up, though, so without further ado:


Interview with Rena and Tien, from ‘Sowing Sword Lilies’, by Zette Teresa Torres.


Q1: Well, hello there! Thanks for taking the time to answer some of my questions! Incidentally, what were you in the middle of doing before stopping for this interview?

A1, Rena: ...Who let a mortal into the war room? I thought we agreed only Keahi was the only mortal allowed.

A1, Tien: No idea. Guards!


Q2: Sounds like you were busy! I appreciate you taking the time for me. Incidentally, where are we right now? I’m not really familiar with this place.

A2, Tien: this is the war room and you aren’t allowed in here. In fact, I don't seem to remember your face, who let you in the Jezial Forest?

A2, Rena: How did someone get into the Golden Palace without us noticing...


Q3: So, as I understand it, you’ve been facing some hardships recently. Can you tell me about them?

A3, Rena: All the gods are gone and we are scared.

A3, Tien: Also we don’t like neighboring Emperor. That’s why we’re in a war room that you’re not allowed to be in.


Q4: That’s rough, buddy. Imagine all your problems could be solved in one fell swoop – what would your ideal life look like?

A4, Tien: The sun not threatening to die so I can be alone to yearn and read.

A4, Rena: Living with those closest to me while I conquer the world. I hope by ‘in one fell swoop’, you mean the Emperor’s swift execution.


Q5: Ah, that’s the dream, isn’t it? On the flip side, what do you think the worst case scenario is?

A5, Rena: My soul turned to nothing before I do anything to be remembered. Or worse, I leave my family alone.

A5, Tien: I don’t want to leave those I love the most, plain and simple.


Q6: That does sound bad. Do you have someone special in your life to help you through the tough times? If not, is there someone you wish was there?

A6, Rena: The closest people to me are Tien, Nosa, Mama, Papa, and maybe Keahi.

A6, Tien: Rena, Araceli, Nosa, Mother, and Father are most important. Don’t tell Nosa he’s the middle of the list, it’ll go to his head.


Q7: Can you tell me about your family, your friends? What are your other relationships like, if you have them?

A7, Rena: My family’s safety is above all else, I love them dearly as they with me. Also, get out of my house.

A7, Tien: Agreed, we don’t have many that are close to us outside of family and we like it that way. Though, I do wish for Araceli to be a part of this family of mine...


Q8: If you could be known by history for anything, what would you want it to be?

A8, Rena & Tien: Our World Domination.


Q9: If you could erase one thing from your past, make it so no one knew about it (maybe even you), what would you choose, if anything?

A9, Rena: I have a rather unflattering portrait in some Countess’ home off in the country that should be burned.

A9, Tien: I would like to forget my Master’s touch; it would hurt less as I cope with the fact that he left us.


Q10: Thank you so much for answering everything! One more question, if you don’t mind – if you had one wish, but could only wish for something that wouldn’t benefit you directly, what would you wish for?

A10, Tien: The people pray for prosperity, honor, blessings, and glory in our presence when they greet us. I wish forever prayer, then, now, and forever, that they are answered.

A10, Rena: Yes, yes, same with me with all that sappy shit. Guards! Finally! Seize this intruder before I rip your spine from your nape myself!

R. HavenComment