NaNoWriMo Interviews Part 4; November 28 2020

We’ve nearly done it, gang. November is coming to a close, and then there’s only one month left of 2020. For everyone I know, this has been a nightmare of a year, and I hope we can collectively make December an exception.

Here I have my final interview of the bunch, and I hope you enjoy it!


Interview with Marco de Lucia, from Untitled Work, by Simon Quinn and Katrielle.


Q1: Well, hello there! Thanks for taking the time to answer some of my questions! Incidentally, what were you in the middle of doing before stopping for this interview?

A1: Hey! As an actor, I’m always up to answer questions, haha. I was just going over my lines for Theo’s and my one act, since the performance is only a few days away.


Q2: Sounds like you were busy! I really appreciate you taking the time for me. Incidentally, where are we right now? I’m not familiar with this place.

Q2: We’re in my favorite bakery, A Day To Bake! They make the best blueberry muffins, but the zucchini bread is really good too.


Q3: So, as I understand it, you’ve been facing some hardships recently. Can you tell me about them?

A3: I don’t know if I would necessarily call them hardships. My parents are getting really involved in my college decisions, which I didn’t even know they cared about. So that’s been super annoying. And Theo and I didn’t get along at all until recently, and that made writing the one act really difficult. Is that what you mean?


Q4: That’s rough, buddy. Imagine all your problems could be solved in one fell swoop – what would your ideal life look like?

Q4: Hmm… my ideal life huh? I haven’t ever thought about that before really. I think it would be neat to have like family dinners sometimes or when we celebrate the holidays to not feel alone all the time. But that’s also normal, so I don’t know if I’d actually like if it were different. Oh, and to stop being friends with Ryker without it being a thing, ya know? He gets on my nerves.


Q5: Ah, that’s the dream, isn’t it? On the flip side, what do you think the worst case scenario is?

A5: Worst case? Probably if the play bombed or I fell off stage or forgot all my lines. I don’t think that would happen since I’ve got most of memorized already and I’m an excellent actor, but if it did, I think I’d have to hide my face for the next decade.


Q6: That does sound bad. Do you have someone special in your life to help you through the tough times? If not, is there someone you wish was there?

A6: Nope, no one special. I haven’t had a crush in a while, but I really enjoy hanging out with Theo and talking stuff out with him when I can. Since we’ve been working on the play together, we usually talk out the issues with it with each other. Although, I’m the only one allowed to call him Theo, so maybe I’m special? I think he just stopped correcting me because I said it on purpose to annoy him though.


Q7: Can you tell me about your family, your friends? What are your other relationships like, if you have them?

A7: I’m an only kid and my parents are kind of distant. I grew up with a nanny but once I started middle school my parents said I could do things on my own. I love my parents, we just don’t really spend any quality time together. My friend Ben is really cool, he’s always doing some sport or another, I don’t remember what it is now. We grew up together along with Ryker, but Ryker is a dick. Ben’s still good friends with him though I think. I try to keep my distance from Ryker, but we’re in drama class together and since our mom’s are best friends, I can’t exactly tell him I don’t like him. I’ve got lots of friends, but those are the ones I spend the most time around and this is already getting lengthy.


Q8: If you could be known by history for anything, what would you want it to be?

A8: Gay pirate. I want to be a gay pirate. Um but actually though I’d love to be known for my performances. The true dream is to be on Broadway eventually, so it would be neat to be known for the next big role. The new Idina Menzel from ‘Wicked’ if you will, just in a different show, of course.


Q9: If you could erase one thing from your past, make it so no one knew about it (maybe even you), what would you choose, if anything?

A9: Being in the school play when I was nine. I was Jack in ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ but I dropped the beans on the stage – we were using marbles for some reason – slipped on them, ran into the girl playing my mom, knocked her to the ground, and ran off stage crying. My mom posted the video of it on Facebook.


Q10: Thank you so much for answering everything! One more question, if you don’t mind – if you had one wish, but could only wish for something that wouldn’t benefit you directly, what would you wish for?

A10: No problem, it was fun! Oh, that’s a fun question, hmm… I think I would wish that Theo gets into his first-choice college. I don’t know if he’s worried about it or not, but he deserves it and I honestly can’t think of anything else, or at least not anything that wouldn’t effect me.

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