Getting With The Times; September 12 2020

What a week it’s been! The first transgender author hits the NYT bestseller list – congrats to Aiden Thomas and CEMETERY BOYS! I have yet to pick up a copy because it’s sold out everywhere, but I can’t wait to read it when I get the chance.

For those of you who aren’t aware what it takes to become a NYT bestseller but dream of it someday, I’d recommend checking out this article. Honestly, I considered blogging about it this week, but this article tells you everything you need to know about it and really impresses upon us how many factors are at work!

The primary point is, queer authors have indisputable proof now that people want to read stories like ours. If Aiden Thomas can do it, then there’s no reason not to think the market is diversifying!

Honestly, I don’t have much more to say on this subject. I’m giddy, and what’s more, I’m in the mood to crack down on some writing, myself!

If you’ve got a queer story in the works, what are your goals for it? Your loftiest dream? Let me know!

R. HavenComment