Ghosts, Because Why Not; May 23 2021

I mixed up my days. Totally thought yesterday was Friday. So, happy second Saturday, y’all!

We’ve recently determined there’s a ghost in our electrical system. Our lamps frequently go out without warning, usually while having any meal at the dinner table.

As a horror writer, I do want to believe in ghosts. The closest thing I’ve had to a spectral encounter was the day I was too sick to move from the couch, and the heat was absolutely blistering. I was alone in the apartment, bemoaning my situation, when my air conditioning unit spontaneously turned on.

So if ghosts exist, they’ve been pretty benevolent towards me. They’re pretty chill, even. (I’m sorry, that was a bad joke, but I wrote it and now it has to stay in the blog post.)

I wonder, though, how people decisively conclude one way or another if they believe in ghosts or magic. Maybe I’m just indecisive, but I like to keep an open mind until I have an answer that can’t be argued with. Even then, if someone gives me new information, I’m happy to update my ‘list of things I know to be true’.

So, what about the things that can’t be explained yet? The weird coincidences, the happenings that shouldn’t be able to happen but did anyway? The stuff science just shrugs at?

That could be magic. Why not? Why would this idea of ‘magic’ prevail all throughout history, in every culture, if the belief hadn’t come from somewhere?

What do you think? Do you have any supernatural stories to share? Please drop a comment!

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