Working Around; October 18 2023

It’s silly, but do you ever find that your productivity goes down when you’re looking forward to something? I’m so jazzed about my top surgery that I can barely concentrate on my work. The surgery is next month! There’s no reason for me to have slowed down like this, yet here we are!

DVPit last week was a tentative success, with a couple of requests leading to me providing the full manuscript of Trickle Down to an agent. We’ll see if anything comes of it.

I’ve noticed that when I’m particularly anxious about my career, I go on querying sprees. Like I’m trying desperately to seize whatever control over my future as I can, I do a bunch of agent research, send off query letters in batches, and then refresh my email inbox every few minutes as if someone’s going to get back to me with good news instantly.

This industry moves slowly. In the meantime, I should be working on the next thing, in case my current work-in-progress is what captures an agent’s attention. But…

Keeping morale up is practically a full time job in of itself. On top of my other full time job, which is parenting… And then making time to write, which I want to do but can’t always focus on, depending on my state of mind.

It’s all about adaptability, I guess!

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