Get Off My Shelves; April 10 2023

Happy Easter and Passover! Had a good long weekend in our household, with egg hunts, ice skating, and friends over!

I’ve been writing diligently on the days I do it at all and joking about how Banned it would be in North America, which has inspired this post, unofficially titled:


Why My Books Got Banned


Let’s make some lists!


Kanae’s fantasy trilogy is banned for:

-        Asexuality representation, but it's the WRONG asexuality representation because no matter what, someone's gonna invalidate her sexuality

-        Anti-authoritarian government and military message

-        The whole thing about learning that a god isn't flawless and kind and whatnot

-        Too many of those dang LGBTQs


The Other Face of Sympathy, banned for:

-        Numerous depictions of various types of abuse

-        Probably will be accused of racism/not being racist enough depending on the reader. There are many different cultures represented and someone's gonna find fault with how I wrote them no matter what my sensitivity readers said


Mr. Wolf, banned for:

-        It will be accused of glorifying CSA in some manner, I'm sure, because I wrote it from a survivor's viewpoint and that's gonna make people VERY uncomfortable

-        Mental illness representation that will also make people very uncomfortable


Neon Bethel, banned:

-        The government controlling the media? That can’t be done in fiction

-        There’s a whole class message in there that will get a lot of disapproval


And lastly, Trickle Down, definitely banned for:

-        Another book about class and poverty? The rich literally preying on the disabled? What am I, some kind of socialist?


But, realistically… I think those are the reasons my books are important. Why I hope they hit shelves one day. My books are my voice, and I have a lot more to say than my brief blog posts would suggest.

Why would your book be banned, fellow writers? Drop a comment!

R. HavenComment