Show Some Love; February 14 2024

Happy Valentine’s Day! Or, for those observing a different holiday, Happy Death of James Cook Day!

I’ve been in a bit of a whirlwind recently, just keeping myself busy with various revisions – short stories, novel work, revisiting my fantasy series as it moves on to a new round of edits. I’ve tentatively picked up my fantasy work-in-progress again, Nuance in the Stars, and will hopefully make some progress on it as I go back through and add a whole new POV character.

The good part about being so busy is that it’ll start paying off next month. I’m going to have some more short stories published, and I can’t wait to tell y’all about that once I have dates in-hand!

But, until then… There isn’t a whole lot of updating to do. I’m playing the waiting game, as per usual, in my book querying; no firm publication dates set that I can speak of; life outside of work is same old, same old.

One of the things I hope to be able to bring y’all soon are some book reviews, though I can’t guarantee they’ll all be regarding super-recent books! I’m finally getting back into reading more, which has been a huge mood booster. I also caught up on some TV I’d been meaning to watch (yes, I watched Good Omens at last and had a great time with it). Most of what I’ve got lined up are fantasy novels to get me back in the headspace, lest I start dropping the horror influences into my current work.

Although, that could work, maybe. Mental illness is a pretty big focus, after all. There’s a lot of terror that goes hand-in-hand with a brain that works against your best interests.

… Mm, nope, already second-guessing that, actually. I think Game of Thrones gave us enough of the grimdark fantasy to last us until 2030. Don’t think it works with my stuff, tonally. Maybe a different story.

Anyway! I hope everyone has someone, or something, to love and appreciate today. And if you can’t think of one, then try to show yourself some extra love!

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