Comic-Con; March 13 2024

This blog post is brought to you by the cats I just watched wrestle for the past five minutes, after opening a blank document with every intent of writing this week’s blog post, only to forget what the topic was going to be. You know, because of said distraction the kitties provided.

So instead I’m going to talk about Comic-Con!

This weekend, my family is going to be attending Toronto Comic-Con, marking the first official con-going experience my child will have. The first one didn’t count; she was a baby. While she did cosplay at the time, she didn’t get any say in the costumes, nor was she able to participate in much.

Comic-Con’s got some good family-oriented events going this year, but even before finding those out, my kid was deadest on going. She’s aware of cosplay as a Thing we do, and she wants to do it too. Not just at home, no: she wants to cosplay at a convention, and she wants to wear several costumes.

So I bought a three-day pass and have been gearing up for a pretty wild time. I’ve never wrangled a five-year-old in cosplay before. It’s going to be interesting.

Obviously, I’m not going without some ground rules. The only pictures of my kid I’m allowing are by myself, family, or friends, and never without her permission. She’s to stay with me at all times, with the only exceptions being if she’s with at least two other adults we trust. Masks are mandatory. No touching things in the Artist’s Alley/Dealer’s Room without permission. You know, stuff like that.

We’re excited, even if I’m preparing in advance to be vigilant! If you’re also going to Comic-Con, we hope to see you there!

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