Farewell, Old Friend; April 10 2024

Well. My laptop had a good run.

My motherboard is faulty, and as it usually goes with older technology, it’d cost more to try to fix than to simply replace it. I cleared out my entire tattoo fund in order to buy a new laptop.

This might not sound like a big deal, but the tattoo in question was going to go a long way in quashing that last niggling bit of dysphoria, for me. I don’t mind my top surgery scars per se, but I still don’t like them being seen – especially by people outside my household. I was going to get a tattoo to cover the scars and make it all look natural/intentional.

But now I’m starting from square one. I’d been saving for 6 months, putting significant chunks of my money aside into that savings.

I’ll be fine. I’m disappointed now, but… Hey, new laptop is cool too. It’s nothing fancy, but has more storage space and a working keyboard, so what more could I want?

Another source of annoyance, though, is that my eyes are worsening. For those unaware, I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, specifically a type that also impacts the strength/width of my corneas. My tears are also too salty, which actively damage my eyes when they water. It’s gotten pretty bad, and they act up every time I go outside now.

So I bought a bunch of handkerchiefs for eye-wiping and embroidered the one in today’s picture. Writer’s Tears! Get it? Because it’s an alcoholic beverage but also, it’s literally for catching a writer’s tears, and… Yeah. I felt clever.

And lastly, an update on the cat! He has been fixed and microchipped!

He’s… not happy about it.

 Have a great week, y’all!

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