Wild Month Ahead; April 3 2024

April’s kicked off to be a wild month – all the usual things, Ramadan and Easter and Passover – but for the few who may not be aware, there’s going to be a total solar eclipse on April 8th as well! My kid’s got the day off school as a result and we’re looking into the best places to go watch when it happens. We have the special glasses and everything.

Also upping my sleep game; I’ve developed TMJ from grinding my teeth in my sleep, something that started up around 2020. I have to wear a mouth guard now, so between that and my CPAP machine, I feel a bit like some kind of android going into full maintenance mode every night.

At least I’ve been remembering to floss as a result. I get icked out at the thought of food getting trapped in the mouth guard, so I’ve been a lot more vigilant about dental care.

Oh, I also want to update y’all on the status of fixing our cat! My dad generously donated the funds to get that done, so the boy’s going in for surgery this Friday, April 5th. Wish him luck, for he has no idea what’s going to happen.

I was considering writing a ‘how I got my agent’ post for this week’s blog. I don’t know that my story is particularly stand-out, but it did take years and a very hard slog, so I thought I’d put it to y’all to comment and let me know if that’s a story you’re interested in! If not, I’ll probably just write about life as usual, since I don’t have any other topics particularly in mind right now.

Hope you all have a cool eclipse experience this Monday!

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