A Sad Goodbye; April 24 2024

Today, I’m a mess.

I didn’t fall asleep until 1:30 AM, too anxious and sad over the future of my fantasy series. I’ll be updating y’all when I know something concrete, but I don’t think I’ll be going forth with publishing my fantasy trilogy – at the very least, not under my own name.

I put my heart in soul into that series, back in the day. It’d been swimming around in my brain since I was sixteen; the world, the characters, the culture. I’m thoroughly demoralized about it now, though. Given the option, I don’t know that I’d go ahead with publishing it at all.

But, we’ll see. I’ve still removed mentions of the series from my website’s FAQ, ‘characters’ page, and content warnings. I’ve also taken down the art related to the series, for which I want to sincerely apologize to the artists I commissioned for those pieces. Your work deserves a place to be seen, and I can’t stress enough how much that art means to me. You brought my work to life. Just, I can’t bear to be associated with it anymore.

But yeah. I’ll give more details as the situation unfolds.

Wish me luck.

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