Up to Date; May 1 2024

So I get this email.

The email is from the school board.

They were warning parents about the measles outbreaks within schools, and urging us to vaccinate our children or otherwise protect them from a disease that, honestly, we likely would’ve eradicated if not for the goddamn anti-vax movement.

My child is fully up-to-date with vaccines. So am I. My stance is that, if there are side-effects to be had, they’ve been researched and confirmed to be worth it. I’d rather experience a side-effect than, for example, die.

I remember back in seventh grade, we all got Hepatitis and HPV shots. I was all in. There were some kids losing their minds, shouting about it and saying they were going to faint, to which I raised an eyebrow and wondered what their problem was.

My kid’s afraid of shots, and I can’t relate. But I impress upon her the importance of them, how brave she is to be getting it, how worthwhile the few seconds of stinging is compared to deadly illness.

I urge y’all to stay vaccinated, and if you have kids, make sure they’re up-to-date with theirs.

R. HavenComment