Hot, Hot, Hot; June 19 2024

Being sick during a heat wave is the worst. I don’t recommend it.

I had to pick up my kid from school this morning. She threw up and went ashen, the poor kid. My kneecap slipped out of place while walking her back home, and my head’s been foggy since I woke up.

We’re having a rough go of it overall. I missed a dose of my medication at one point, which did a number on my paranoia. I’m back to fearing a gun at my window every time I’m in the kitchen (which, for context, you can read this blog post about the SWAT raid on my home). We’re really struggling financially, after having bought a dishwasher to replace our broken one – our landlord hasn’t paid us back for it yet. Our fridge and freezer are both nearly empty.

At least I get some money tomorrow. And, the one exciting thing coming up – it’s my kid’s birthday next Wednesday! She’s turning six! That’s wild!

If you want to contribute anything to her birthday party, pretty much all my funds (the ones not going to groceries) are going to party prep. You can donate to my ko-fi to show your affection and birthday wishes! If I get enough of them, I plan on printing them all out and putting them in a card for her to show how many people adore her.

Thanks to those of you who’ve already sent presents our way! They’re well hidden, and will hopefully stay that way until next week!

R. HavenComment